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Plata tedna: School of Seven Bells – SVIIB

Plata tedna: School of Seven Bells – SVIIB

Ko govorimo o novem albumu SVIIB skupine School of Seven Bells, žal ne moremo mimo dihotomije celotne plate, prisotnosti in odsotnosti, ki sta prezentirani skozi glasbo. Album je nastal kot dokument zadnjega sodelovanja Alejandre Deheze in Benjamina Curtisa, preden je Curtis v letu 2013 prezgodaj preminil zaradi hude oblike raka. Curtis je na albumu povsod in nikjer; SVIIB vsebuje spolirano glasbo sintisajzerja, ki praktično nikoli ne deluje osebno, a tokrat je ta občutek prisoten bolj kot kadarkoli. Čeprav Curtis med snemanjem ni vedel za svojo bolezen, se na plati čuti grenki priokus, saj je Deheza spisala in končala celoten album šele po njegovi smrti. Kot vsaka umetnost, je tudi ta glasba spomin na Benjamina Curtisa, ki jo spremlja ‘ljubezensko pismo od začetka do konca’ kot pravi Alejandra Deheza:

‘Friends, Benjamin and I wrote this record during a tour break in the summer of 2012. I can easily say that it was one of the most creative and inspired summers of our lives. What followed was the most tragic, soul shaking tidal wave that life could deliver, but even that wouldn’t stop the vision for this record from being realized. This is a love letter from start to finish. It’s the story of us starting from that first day we met in 2004, and that’s the story of School of Seven Bells. So much love to all of you. Thank you for being a constant light in our lives. This record is for you.’ -Alejandra