Radio Terminal V Živo
Zaslišanje: The Evil Usses

Zaslišanje: The Evil Usses

Pred ljubljanskim koncertom na seriji Level up v KUD Channel Zero, smo se pogovarjali z eksperimentalnim bendom iz Velike Britanije.


Hej, fantje, kako ste kaj?

Živjo, Ana. Mi smo super, ti?

Kako poteka turneja? Je prvič, da potujete čez celotno Evropo in koncerirate?

Ravno smo imeli nekaj prostih dni v Brcah, čilali smo poo Nemčiji in sedaj smo pripravljeni na kup novih koncertov. Ja, res je, prva  evropska turneja za nas, smo res zasedeni, ampak do sedaj je bilo noro. Najboljši gig do zdaj je bil v Dusselfdrofu v WP8, res kul plac voden s strani umetnikov že26 let.

Precej zanimiv se  mi je zdel vaš opis na bandcampu, kjer pravite da ste  rockovski nejazz, jazzovski nerock, post pop, od nečesa malega do vsega  ostalega. Torej, igrate to, kar čutite?

Tako nekako. Vsi poslušamo različne zvrsti glasbe in vsi imamo različne favorite že dolgo časa. Seveda se to odraža v pisanju komadov, igranju, prehranjevanju, sanjah, obstoju itd.

Kako funkcionira pisanje za vas? Je en član benda, ki piše vse, ali delate  vsi skupaj?

Najprej pride na vrsto besedilo in na njem delamo veliko, čeprav nimamo ne pevca in besedil v glasbi. Ob tem pišemo včasih posebej, včasih skupaj v banji.

Ravno ste izdali singel. A mi lahko poveste kaj več?

Grouse je singel in naslov našega  novega albuma Muck, ki govori o tem:

“When I think about Muck I think about the grouse. Mucky Grouse, inspector Mucky Grouse! There have been some dodgy goings on on the moorlands. Just what they are he doesn’t know yet. He’s just got a real strong feeling that something bad is about to happen. Is he just being paranoid!? His red, rubbery eyelid is blinking and pulsing frantically yet his expression remains deadpan. All this thinking and distress is too much for his little brain to handle. He finds a comfortable bush and peacefully falls asleep. When he wakes up he’ll know what this has been all about. It’s muck. MUCK! That’s what’s about to happen, and there’s no escape from it this time HA HA HA HA!”

V Sloveniji imate dva koncerta zapored. Se jih veselite?

JA! Komaj jih čakamo 😀 YES!

Standardno vprašanje, če bi lahko igrali s komerkoli na koncertu, kdo bi to bil?

Uau! Mislim, da bi to bil superbend sestavljen iz članov: Roberta Palmerja, Captaina Beefhearta, Franka Oceana, Delie DErbyshire in Ivorja Cutlerja na basu.

Imate  sporočilo za Radio Terminal?

Muck it up, turn it in, wack it loose, see you Thursday!




Hey, guys, how are you? How has it been going?

Hi Ana! We are good thanks, you?

How’s the tour going? Is it first time for you to travel all across Europe to concert?

Just had a couple of relaxing days in Brce just chilling after Germany and now we are ready to crack on with another bunch of shows! Yes, first European tour for us, we are bloody chuffed and since now it’s been a blast. Best gig yet was in Dusselfdorf at WP8, a really cool artist-run independent venue that has been going for 26 years!

I was very much intrigued by your description of music style on bandcamp. Everything from rocky notjazz to jazzy notrock, post-op pop from not much to much else. So, basically you’re playing what you feel to play?

Yes, pretty much! We all listen to different kinds of music as well as the long time favourites so that influences what we write, play, eat, dream, been, keem din.

How is the writing work for you? Does anyone of you specially write only lyrics, the other one music, or you do everything together? 

The lyrics come first and we work very hard on them even though we don’t have a singer or any words in our music. Apart from that we all write sometimes individually, sometimes together in the bath.

You’ve  just released a new single, what can you tell about it?

Grouse is the single and title of out new album Muck, this is what is all about:

“When I think about Muck I think about the grouse. Mucky Grouse, inspector Mucky Grouse! There have been some dodgy goings on on the moorlands. Just what they are he doesn’t know yet. He’s just got a real strong feeling that something bad is about to happen. Is he just being paranoid!? His red, rubbery eyelid is blinking and pulsing frantically yet his expression remains deadpan. All this thinking and distress is too much for his little brain to handle. He finds a comfortable bush and peacefully falls asleep. When he wakes up he’ll know what this has been all about. It’s muck. MUCK! That’s what’s about to happen, and there’s no escape from it this time HA HA HA HA!”

You are having two shows in a row in Slovenia. Are  you excited about them?

YES! Cant bloody wait for them 😀

Standard question, if you could played with anyone on a concert, who would that be?

Wow! I think it would have a be a superband comprising of Robert Palmer, Captain Beefheart, Frank Ocean, Delia Derbyshire and Ivor Cutler on bass.

Any message for Radio Terminal?

Muck it up, turn it in, wack it loose, see you Thursday!



Zaslišala: Ana Medved –  Annarch